Well Child Exam

Well Child Exam

Well Child Exam

Keeping our kids happy, healthy and safe are always the number one concern amongst the parents who come to see us at Conroe Family Physicians. Routine checkups for your child are absolutely beneficial when monitoring your child’s health and for early detection of any developmental issues that may have otherwise been overlooked.


Typically during a well child exam, your child’s height, head circumference and weight are examined first. If there are any issues regarding growth or weight then counseling may given for diet and nutrition. Maintaining a healthy weight and a well balanced diet are essential for proper health and growth.


Next, any immunizations that are required are administered. Immunizations are important for prevention of major illnesses as well as work to protect the community from those diseases as well. Measles, mumps, and rubella can have deadly consequences for young school aged children.


Lastly, several simple screenings are administered to check on your child’s progress. One of those screenings is the vision screening. If your child is having headaches, needs to sit closer or further away from the board in school, they may have a vision issue and be in need of corrective lenses. The next one is the hearing screening to detect any early hearing loss and finally a scoliosis screening to detect posture issues, which can be corrected when found early.


Well child exams are very important in your child’s healthcare regimen. Screenings, immunizations and evaluations are important to make sure your child is on the right track to being a happy and healthy kid. If you need to book a well child exam, call our offices today and our caring staff will make sure your child is in the best care possible.