Well Woman Care
At Conroe Family Physicians, we believe that women’s healthcare is vital in the prevention and management of her overall health. A well woman exam differs from your standard health check up by focusing on the reproductive system, supporting systems, and other issues that women often face in regards to their overall wellness.
When you think of well woman exams, the first thing we usually address is the pap smear. Pap smears are vitally important when checking for certain types of cancers; specifically cervical cancer. Cervical cancer was once known to be the leading cause of death in women but thanks to regular pap smears and early detection, the number of deaths have significantly began to decrease. Pap tests can detect precancerous cells BEFORE cancer has begun which gives women now a greater fighting chance than ever before.
Although well woman exams are recommended yearly if you are in good health, you should begin getting the pap smear portion of this exam performed every 3 years unless you are HIV positive or have a current health concern that needs to be looked after. After the age of 30 and without the presence of abnormal pap smear tests results, every 5 years is recommended.
Breast exams are the other important part of well woman exams. Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women to date. Early prevention with at home self exams and exams in the office can lead to early detection and an increased survival rate.
If you are a woman with a female related health concern and are looking to book your exam today, give us a call. Our kind and compassionate staff work hard to understand your needs and get you on the road to your best health today. Prevention today means good health tomorrow.